Medical Benefits:
Better sleep improves your overall health
Helps improve insomnia as well as other sleep disorders and sleep problems like Sleep Apnea.
Research has shown that hospital patients that wear ear plugs heal faster by getting better sleep in the hospital
Helps keep dirt out of the ears and helps to prevent ear infections
What’s bad for your ears may also be bad for your heart. According to a new study, people who work in noisy places for at least a year ​and a half could have triple risk of a serious heart problem compared to those who work in quiet environments.
Helps prevent hearing loss in excessive noise environments
They stay on. Won’t fall off and is OSHA compliant in workplaces up to 112dbs. Will help save hearing loss.
Helps prevent swimmers ear. Great for swimming. (Ears must be dry when applied and ear canal must be completely covered by the ear muffer ear plug before going into water)
EarMuffers® ear plugs have been found is some cases to improve certain physical stuttering disabilities